
WILDSUGA  is a dreamy Nostalgic ART+FASHION+LIFESTYLE label, inspired by Womanhood, Indigenous cultures, Vintage DressMaking & sustainability of textiles.

London based Designer Artist & Creative Workshop Tutor Sarina Mantle puts her heart in her art, which you can see, hear and feel in her designs, jewellery and music.

Who loves nomadic styles, inspired by indigenous people, spirituality, mother earth, bold patterns and womanhood, please go ahead and check her beautiful Art out at:

WEBSITE www.wildsuga.com
PINTEREST | http://www.pinterest.com/wildsuga
TWITTER | https://twitter.com/Wildsuga
INSTAGRAM | http://instagram.com/wildsuga
TUMBLR | http://wildsuga.tumblr.com/
YOU TUBE | https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPa0XXNkRWiHM31CA57l1CQ/feed?view_as=public
FACEBOOK www.facebook.com/Wildsuga